Plot - Brave 33.5: This is Brave! Battle Frontier
Brave 33.5: This is Brave! Battle Frontier is a special episode of Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, produced and released on February 12, 2018. This episode was created as part of a collaboration with the mobile game Brave Frontier 2, marking a unique crossover between the popular Super Sentai series and the mobile gaming world.
Plot Summary Brave 33.5: This is Brave! Battle Frontier
In this special episode, the Kyoryugers find themselves in an extraordinary situation where they must join forces with characters from the Brave Frontier 2 game.
The episode is set in the universe of Brave Frontier and features the Kyoryugers adapting to new challenges in this unfamiliar world. Together, they face a new set of enemies, combining their powers and the unique abilities of their new allies from the game to overcome these threats.
Brave 33.5: This is Brave! Battle Frontier