Plot - Denshi Sentai Denziman
Toei’s fourth Super Sentai installment is Denshi Sentai Denziman. From February 2 through January 31 of 1981, it was shown. With a Marvel copyright but no collaboration from Marvel, it was Toei’s second series.
The series received a 13.5% average rating.
Plot Denshi Sentai Denziman
The Vader Clan destroyed Denzi Star 3,000 years ago. An island from Denzi Star named Denzi Land touched down on Earth. The Denzidog IC was awakened in the present when Denziland’s computer saw the Vader Clan heading towards Earth.
In order to protect Earth, the next target of the Vader Clan, IC found five young people (who may or may not be ancestors of the Denzi people) to become the Denzimen. By eliminating Vader Monster 00, the Flying Squirreler, the Denzimen start a long run of success.
They become aware that they might be related to the Denzi people as the conflict intensifies. If true, they are not the only descendants; there are others, dispersed over the planet.
The space traveller Demon King Banriki offers to help Queen Hedrian, who is suffering in her attempts to turn the Earth into a nightmare. She accepts it without realising that ODK’s true objective is his personal conquest of Earth.
He seizes the Vader Castle and uses his Omnipotent Monse to torture the Denzimen. Giant-sized Hedrer engages in combat but meets a horrible end. When Banriki and his monster attack, the Denzimen are defenceless.
That is, until IC gives his life to become a circuit for the DaiDenzin. Banriki’s monster is vanquished, too. Hedrian flees to the North Pole, where she spends the night frozen in ice, appearing to have lost the battle.