Plot - Gekisou Sentai Carranger
The Super Sentai television series was produced for the twentieth time by Toei with Gekisou Sentai Carranger. The American Power Rangers Turbo used its footage. Due to the fact that Carranger is a Sentai series that is portrayed as a parody of the Sentai genre itself, it is distinct in its nature.
Pre-orders for the US DVD edition of Carranger by Shout! Factory for an April 25, 2017 release date were made available on Amazon on January 6, 2017.[1][2] Carranger is now the fifth Super Sentai series to have an official US release.
The series received a 4.8% average rating.
Plot Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Bacchus Wrath, a robot made by Pangaea 600 million years ago, eventually turned on his creators. Bacchus Wrath was exiled from Earth after being vanquished by the KingRanger.
Bacchus arrived to Earth as the emperor of the Machine Empire Baranoia in the year 1999 (later in the year 1995 in both the Super Sentai and Toei Multiverse timelines) with the goal of eradicating all human life and establishing machine domination.
To build weapons to combat Baranoia, Chief Counsellor Miura recovered super energies that were descended from the vanished Pangaean civilisation. The “Super Power”‘s secrets were disclosed through the reassembling of a stone plate that had been discovered three years earlier.
Five U.A.O.H. officers needed to be able to morph into Ohrangers, so Miura constructed a pyramid to produce Tetrahedron power.