Plot - Hikari Sentai Maskman
The eleventh installment of Toei’s Super Sentai Series is Hikari Sentai Maskman. It had 51 episodes in total and aired on TV Asahi from February 28, 1987, to February 20, 1988.
The programme was also broadcast abroad, where it was very well received in nations including the Philippines, France, and Brazil.
The subtitles for the South Korean version, Light Warrior Maskman (), the French version, Bioman 2: Maskman, and the Philippine version were all released.
The series received a 11.4% average rating.
Plot Hikari Sentai Maskman
Commander Sugata, a scientist and sage who excelled in mental fortifications and is a master of every combat art, is where it all begins. He learned of the existence of the Royal Underground Empire Tube, a nefarious entity stationed beneath Japan that seeks to rule the world.
At first, the focus of Tube was nonviolence. Tube, though, started making plans to take over the entire planet once Zeba ascended to the throne.
The Earth needed to become cold and shaded for Tube to fulfil its new objective of enabling its residents to live on the planet’s surface. Sugata enlisted five young people, each of whom had a particular area of expertise in martial arts, and instructed them in the ways of the enigmatic “Aura Power” energy in order to stand up to them and frustrate their schemes.
Tube is prepared to launch an attack a year after Sugate enlisted and trained the Maskmen. Princess Ial of the Tube, who was sent as a spy above ground under the guise of Mio, has fallen in love with Takeru and now wants people living above and below ground to get along. For her betrayal, she is kidnapped and kept in an ice jail.