Plot - Kamen Rider Prime Rogue
Kamen Rider Prime Rogue is a second Televi-Kun Hyper Battle DVD of Kamen Rider Build, included in the October and November 2018 issues of the Televi-Kun.
It features a Gentoku Himuro using a new Fullbottle to assume a special form of Kamen Rider Rogue. Along with Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z, it was announced immediately following the broadcast of the final episode.
Plot Kamen Rider Prime Rogue
The show begins with narration from Gentoku, who recounts his past and Misora banning him from nascita for his odd fashion sense. The scene shifts to Gentoku at a nearby playground, who wonders on why nobody understands his fashion sense.
Sento brings him the Prime Rogue Fullbottle as a compensation while his Sclash Driver is under maintenance. Misora calls him at that moment to buy new clothes at a local shopping mall.
Kamen Rider Prime Rogue