Plot - Kamen Rider Zi-O Next Time: Geiz, Majesty
Kamen Rider Zi-O NEXT TIME: Geiz, Majesty is a Japanese superhero film set within the continuity of Kamen Rider Zi-O. Serving as a tribute to the Secondary Riders of the franchise, the film focuses on Geiz Myokoin as he faces a threat from an alternate universe.
It’s September of 2018, and a group of high school students are more than ever excited to pursue their dreams.
Sougo Tokiwa wants to become a desirable king, and Keito Myokoin (alternatively called by his friends as Geiz) works tirelessly to become the true judo champion while trying to impress his crush, Alpina Tsukuyomi.
Kamen Rider Zi-O NEXT TIME: Geiz, Majesty