Plot - Kidou Keiji Jiban
A 52-episode Japanese tokusatsu television series called Kidou Keiji Jiban, which was created by Toei and was a part of the Metal Hero Series, was shown on TV Asahi in Japan from January 29, 1989, to January 28, 1990.
A feature film was also broadcast on July 17, 1989. Because Emperor Hirohito passed away during its run, it is regarded as the first Metal Hero Series of the Heisei Period.
The English name of the series is “Jiban,” according to Toei’s International Sales & Promotion Department.
The series’ premise, according to its creator Keita Amemiya, was partially inspired by the American figure Robocop because Jiban is frequently thought of as RoboCop’s Japanese counterpart. Additionally, a number of the action sequences are nearly exact replicas of those from the first RoboCop movie.
Plot Kidou Keiji Jiban
A Biolon agent killed Naoto Tamura, a fresh investigator in Central City, while performing their official duties. Doctor Kenzou Igarashi, whose research had led to the creation of the Biolon syndicate, revived the man as Jiban, a robot detective.
Jiban was eventually killed by Madogarbo and Rhinonoid, but he later came back to life as Perfect Jiban (essentially the same as the original Jiban but with a blue metal body and three new weapons). Jiban’s base was destroyed by Biolon in the epilogue, and Madogarbo was changed into a counterfeit Jiban. Jiban overcame Gibanoid, the genuine manifestation of Doctor Giba, the leader of Biolon, as well as his clone.
The triumphant Jiban then discovered that his missing younger sister, Mayumi Igarashi, was actually the only civilian who knew his secret.