Plot - Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!!
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!! is a movie for Zenkaiger. It released on the 20th of February 2021. It sees the Zenkaigers teaming up with the previous Sentai Reds.
Plot Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!!
There are many worlds with Super Sentai in them. Or, there used to be. All of the worlds of Super Sentai were captured and placed into Tojiru Gears, all except for one. A freshly created world with a new Super Sentai: the Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger, where there is an army of Kudakks currently attacking civilians, led by a Kudaiter.
The Kudaiter gloats about how Earth will soon belong to the Tojitendo, however he is interrupted by Kaito, who kicks him in the face as the Zenkaigers gun down the Kudakks. The Zenkaigers are briefly cheered on by the civilians, which angers the Kudaiter, who orders the Kudakks to destroy the Zenkaigers.
The Zenkaigers easily fight and defeat the Kudakks while also rescuing civilians who were still being attacked. The Zenkaigers then destroy the Kudaiter by launching Kaito towards him at high speed.
The Zenkaigers then return to their civilian forms and leave to take care of their personal businesses, with Juran suggesting they celebrate their victory with a party.
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!!