Plot - Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
The Kyry Sentai The sixteenth Super Sentai series, Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger is the first Super Sentai series to be turned into a Power Rangers episode in the United States. The first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers featured heavy usage of footage from all 50 episodes.
While the Dragon Ranger costume served as the Green Ranger’s uniform for the majority of Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2, the Core 5 Zyuranger costumes were used in all three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and served as the original Power Rangers costumes.
As the first Super Sentai series with a prehistoric animal theme, the first to use fantasy elements rather than science fiction, the first to use a mecha made entirely of robotic animals, and the first to introduce a sixth ranger character, Zyuranger was a significant series.
The first fully-subtitled Super Sentai to be officially distributed in the United States/North America was released on February 17, 2015[1] by Shout! Factory.
The series received a 7.1% average rating.
Plot Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
With the help of the Guardian Beasts, five prehistoric human cultures coexisted with dinosaurs 170,000,000 years ago. This came to an end when Bandora, an evil witch, declared war on the dinosaurs when her son Kai died.
Bandora came to the conclusion that the only way Kai’s murder could be avenged was if she sold her soul to Dai-Satan, a powerful, wicked being with an almost ice-like head that Bandora could later summon in the series.
In the end, the dinosaurs went extinct and the five tribes were destroyed. Before entering sleep, the Guardian Beasts trapped Bandora and her henchmen on the planet Nemesis. Nemesis made a second trip around the Earth in 1992.
She and her minions were unintentionally let out of their prison by two astronauts who were investigating the planet. The Mysterious Sage Barza, who served as a cover for Bandora, her arch-enemy, withdrew to his underground cave 2,000 metres below the apartment block.
He brought back to life the five Holy Warriors of Justice who had been in suspended animation and were under his guard. Each of these five belonged to a tribe of prehistoric humans who lived side by side with dinosaurs. The Zyurangers battled Bandora and her Dora Monsters with the assistance of the Guardian Beasts.
The leader’s older brother emerges later in the series with tales of resentment and retribution after the five had gotten adjusted to modern times.