Plot - Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V
Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V The long-running Japanese Super Sentai television series is on its 23rd season with GoGoFive. It went to Robocon Moero. Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue utilises its footage.
The show has an emergency rescue theme. GoGoFive was given a licence by Shout! Factory on January 9, 2018, and on April 24, 2018, it was made available on home video.
The series received a 6.6% average rating.
Plot Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V
Grandiene has been anticipating the day of the resurrection, the day when the planets will be in the Grand Cross’s planetary alignment. To turn the Earth into a place of darkness for her, her children descend there.
Professor Tatsumi of the Tatsumi Disaster Prevention Institute had anticipated this occurrence ten years earlier, but no one had listened to him. He ran away from his family so that he could create and build the Rescue System covertly.
Professor Tatsumi reappears in 1999 to give his kids the tools they need to save the world.