Plot - Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia
Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia ~Maagi Magi Giruma Jinga~ is a Japanese superhero Tokusatsu film that serves as the Summer Movie adaptation of Mahou Sentai Magiranger, double-billed with Kamen Rider Hibiki & The Seven Senki. In the film, the Magirangers race to save Kai’s classmate from a malicious underworld wedding.
Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia
Plot Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia
The story starts when MagiKing fights Ultra Hades Beast Living Sword as they can’t hold such longer. As they struggles, Living Sword wrecks MagiKing as they were thrown as he has Yuka for a bride, leaving with her.
Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia English sub
Back to Japan National Football Championship, Kai enthusiasts that he will win a match as the manager Yuka watches the match as he did the flawless goal. When the match ends, Kai wins his team’s match and he asks Yuka concerning his goal scores.
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As they encounter Living Sword, it was Glum do Bridon who controls its beast. The Ozu siblings tells the matinees and watchers to evacuate as Kai and Yuka are encountered by Glum, which Kai was slapped by Glum, forcing Yuka to be in his side.
Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia 2005
Glum confesses Yuka that she will be his bride, as far more beautiful up and personal. GLum then leaves with Yuka to Infershia, as the other siblings came to aid Kai to transform and combine MagiKing together, fighting the Living Sword.