Plot - Mirai Sentai Timeranger
A Japanese television programme called Mirai Sentai Timeranger, sometimes known as Future Squadron Timeranger, aired in 2000. Time and time travel are central to its theme. In the Super Sentai franchise from Toei, it was the 24th season.
Kamen Rider Kuuga welcomed it. The Power Rangers Time Force uses footage from this series. On April 5, 2018, it was revealed that Shout! Factory has obtained a licence for Timeranger’s North American DVD release. Release day for the series was July 31, 2018.
The series received a 7.1% average rating.
“Grasp the infinite future!” is the series’ catchphrase.
Plot Mirai Sentai Timeranger
Following a time paradox issue, time travel is outlawed in the year 30. To keep an eye out for and suppress time crimes, the Time Protection Department was founded. Don Dolnero and his crew con four new TPD recruit cadets into allowing them to time travel to the 20th century so they can perform different crimes there.
The four cadets go after them in order to preserve history. There, they run into a serious issue: the first operation of the Timeranger programme calls for five participants. Thus, they force Tatsuya Asami, a modern-day martial artist, to join them, enabling them to become the Timerangers.
After that, Tatsuya rents a residence for them, and in order to make ends meet, they launch a side venture called Tomorrow Research.
The four cadets eventually come to understand that their presence will fundamentally alter the future by creating the City Guardians, a security team employed by the Asami Corporation to defend the city from the Londerz.
Particularly since Naoto Takizawa, an old foe of Tatsuya’s, is appointed TimeFire and subsequently the captain of the City Guardians, the relationship between the City Guardians and the Timerangers becomes strained.
The Timerangers return to their usual lives in the series conclusion. A year later, Tatsuya is out for a jog when he spots five people, including Naoto, who resemble the other Timerangers, but he quickly realises it’s not them.