Plot - Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, also known as Ninja Squadron Hidden Ranger in English, was the eighteenth Super Sentai television series to be produced by Toei Company Limited. The third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the brief Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers mini-series both featured action scenes from this series.
Shout! Factory distributed the series in the US on May 17, 2016.
The series received a 5.7% average rating.
Plot Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
The Yokai and the ninja fought a bloody battle 400 years ago. The Yokai Commander Nurarihyon was trapped away along with all of his Yokai energies in a cave guarded by the “Seal Door” by the renowned Sarutobi Sasuke and four other ninja.
The last Yokai still alive, Kappa, convinces Sarutobi Sasuke and Kirigakure Saizo’s offspring, Sasuke and Saizou, into opening the “Seal Door” and letting the Yokai out. These two have now joined forces with three other great ninja ancestors to become the Kakurangers, who will work with the Three God Generals to battle the Yokai.