Plot - Ninja Sentai Kakuranger Super Video: The Hidden Scroll
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger Super Video: The Hidden Scroll is a special Super Video released as part of the Ninja Sentai Kakuranger series. It aired on February 1, 1995, and was distributed as a special edition through TV Magazine.
Content Summary Ninja Sentai Kakuranger Super Video: The Hidden Scroll
This Super Video features the five Kakurangers uncovering the secrets of ninja skills, as described in a hidden scroll found in their secret headquarters. The video is structured around the following segments:
- The Five Keys of Being a Ninja: Each Kakuranger introduces a key aspect of ninja skills, demonstrating their unique abilities and how they contribute to the team’s overall strength.
- Character Showcases: The video highlights the individual skills and talents of each Kakuranger, emphasizing their roles within the team.
- Three Juushou and Ninjaman: The segment includes appearances by the Three Juushou—mystical beast warriors who assist the Kakurangers—and Ninjaman, a powerful ally of the team. They are introduced after the Kakurangers’ mobile base, Nekomaru, arrives.
- Montage of Characters and Battles: The video concludes with a montage that features various characters, battles, and iconic moments from the Ninja Sentai Kakuranger series, set to the theme song “Secret Kakuranger.”
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger Super Video: The Hidden Scroll