Plot - Special Rescue Police Winspector
A Japanese tokusatsu television program called Tokkei Winspector is the first installment of the Rescue Hero trilogy and a component of the Metal Hero Series. The show follows the exploits and assignments of Special Police Winspector, a unique “Rescue Police” team that responds to perilous situations and stops crimes when conventional police forces are insufficient.
One person (a hero in armor) and two robotic helpers make up the team.
“Special Rescue Police Winspector: loves peace, believe in friendship, facing the crime to protect of the life of the person, at the “Police Headquarters Special Emergency Police Team”!” is the opening line of every episode of Special Rescue Police Winspector.
Story Special Rescue Police Winspector
In the year 1999, a Japan of the near future is the setting for Tokkei Winspector. New strategies for protecting individuals are developed since criminal activity poses a serious threat to the nation.
The robot brothers Walter and Bikel, as well as Ryouma sporting the Fire Tector armor, make up the Winspector team, which guards against super-powered threats such as gang attacks and disastrously conducted scientific projects. It (and Solbrain) stand out among tokusatsu since there isn’t a main antagonist.