Plot - Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters the Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower!
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters The Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower! is the title of the film edition of the 36th Super Sentai Series Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. It was released on August 4, 2012, double-billed with the Kamen Rider Fourze film Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie: Everyone, It’s Space Time!. A “Director’s Cut” of the film was released in December 2012.
Plot Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters The Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower!
With Tokyo now outfitted with Enetron Tanks. Tokyo Tower now also serves as Tokyo Enetower, which controls a dozen Enetron Tanks around it. The three core Go-Busters pay a visit to the district to test-drive the newly re-released first-generation Buster Vehicle FS-0O as well as meet its Buddy Roid Ene-tan.
Unbeknownst to the Go-Busters Enter has lodged a rather large transport device in the middle of the tower. He also creates Steamloid, a Metaloid with the ability to rust the special alloy that Buddy Roids and MegaZords use. The Energy Management Center deploys the Go-Busters once they detect the Metaloid activity. They find Steamloid at a fountain near the tower, filling up. The Go-Busters and Buddy Roids battle Steamloid and save the civilians.
However, Steamloid unleashes his steam on the Buddy Roids causing them to rust. Though Jin and Beet J Stag arrive on the scene, the EMC and Go-Busters realize that all MegaZords have been taken out of play, including those of Vaglass.
This leaves the question of what exactly Enter is planning, if he couldn’t bring his own MegaZords into the fray. Jin arrives, and tells them that he’s deduced that Enter plans to build up enough transport energy on the Tokyo Enetower, which will transport the dozen Enetron tanks around it to Hyper Space. The resulting calamity will also transport ten thousand people with it.
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters The Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower!