Plot - Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger is a Japanese superhero V-Cinema film set within the continuity of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. In the film, Stinger sets out on a journey to find his brother, who he believes has been found.
Plot Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger
Following the fight with Kochoindaver from 4th Period: P.E., the Kyurangers nearly gain victory but Champ suddenly went berserk and detached from Kyuren-O. Stinger follows Champ and attempt to stop him before Thunderbird sent them off the cliff.
Stinger woke up from his unconsciousness when memories of when Scorpio betrayed his clan penetrate his mind. Both him and Champ noticed the Chamomile flowers nearby them and they remembered their regretful flashback as Stinger looked at the Ikakuju Kyutama.
During the flashback, they are journeying here and there, searching for Scorpio. Along the way, they encountered a town and simultaneously a woman with a monstrous arm arrived there ahead of them. The town people began attacking that woman because they think she is a monster. That woman, Mika rebel back against them until Stinger and Champ arrived and stop her before she escapes.
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Episode of Stinger