Plot - Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai is a Japanese superhero V-Cinext film serving as the first installment of Zero-One Others. In the film, fight against Lyon Arkland, an overseas CEO of ZAIA Enterprise who wishes to weaponize the Humagear into a devastating military force.
The catchphrase for the film is “To fight for justice, freedom, and dreams, the time of crusade is now.” (正義, 自由, 夢のため、いざ聖戦の時, Seigi, jiyū, yume no tame, iza seisen no toki)
Plot Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai
At ZAIA Enterprise’s USA Headquarters, Lyon Arkland expresses his desire to bring Project Sold to fruition and embarks on a trip to Japan with As’s guidance from the Ark.
In Japan, Jin is attacked by Lyon’s new Solds, Sold9 and Sold20, who kidnaps him and later reveals that Jin himself was Sold0. Horobi attempts to save him but is defeated.
As Arkland arrives in Japan to tend to Jin’s needs, he reveals that he himself was the namesake of the Ark, and connects Jin to his new Massbrain System which restricts Humagears from free will, making them perfect expendable soldiers.
After asking Naki and Ikazuchi for help, Horobi brings them to rescue Jin and are ambushed by Arkland and his Solds, who had intended to connect to the Massbrain System.
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai