Plot - Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie is a Japanese superhero V-Cinext film serving as the second and final installment of Zero-One Others. In the film, Isamu Fuwa and Yua Yaiba attempt to stop the rampaging Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai from threatening humanity.
Plot Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie
Yua Yaiba holds a press-conference regarding the destruction of ZAIA Japan at the hands of, which sends the media into a frenzy as they demand A.I.M.S. to be held responsible for the situation.
Shigeru Daimonji later contacts Yua and orders her to eliminate them once and for all. As A.I.M.S. personnel rescue Gai Amatsu from the destroyed ZAIA building, Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai continues their advance, with Isamu Fuwa chasing after them.
Yua eventually encounters the rogue Rider who declares that “Valkyrie will be Extinct”, forcing her and Isamu to team up and fight against them. Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai overwhelms both Riders and destroys Isamu’s Shotriser, forcing the two to retreat.
Meanwhile, following their disconnection from the Massbrain System, Sold9 decides to join alongside the other Solds, viewing their actions as justice, while Sold20 continues to be loyal to humans/ZAIA and helps Yua escape back to A.I.M.S. headquarters.
Sold9 eventually confronts Isamu at gunpoint, arguing that was justice, but Isamu corrects him saying that it cannot be defined by rationality and logic, but rather by following your heart. Similarly, Yua explains to Sold20 how justice means not blindly following orders, but rather having the motivation to protect all life.
Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie