Plot - Kamen Rider Revice Original Spin-Off Drama: DEAR GAGA
Kamen Rider Revice Original Spin-Off Drama: DEAR GAGA is a two-episode Blu-Ray exclusive miniseries set within the continuity of Kamen Rider Revice. In the special, Hiromi returns to his hometown to recover after his spirit is broken following his fierce battle with Orteca.
Plot Kamen Rider Revice Original Spin-Off Drama: DEAR GAGA
After being unable to choose which sauce to put over his eggs, Ikki is called by Daiji to visit Hiromi as they have found him alive. After the battle with Orteca, Hiromi returns back to his countryside home and eats a dish of yakisoba cooked by his mom, Takako while remisciencing on his childhood.
That night, Takako tells Hiromi how proud she was of the man he had become, but Hiromi said his most recent mission caused him to have amnesia and wants to retire. The next day, the Kadota household received a box of Hiromi’s personal belongings sent over by Fenix.
Takako takes out Hiromi’s uniform, but he insists on throwing it out. A young boy, Yuki then comes up to Hiromi and asks him how to be a Kamen Rider, but Hiromi tells him that he no longer was one. While out for a walk, Hiromi stops by to see Uncle Yasu, who learns of Hiromi’s intent on retiring from Fenix and asks him to guard his strawberry patch as there have been thieves recently.
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