Plot - Kamen Rider: Beyond Generations
Kamen Rider 50th Anniversary Celebration Film – Kamen Rider: Beyond Generations is a Japanese superhero crossover film between Kamen Rider Revice and Kamen Rider Saber, serving as the 12th Movie War and the 5th and final installment of the Generations Series.
In the film, Ikki, Vice, Touma, and their allies battle the powerful demon Diablo while attempting to help a time-displaced Shocker scientist reconcile with his now adult son.
Plot Kamen Rider: Beyond Generations
In an apocalyptic 2071 ruled by demons where humanity is enslaved, a young man named Ryunosuke Momose is rescued by an elderly George Karizaki, who tasks Ryunosuke with using his Cyclotron Driver to time travel his consciousness back to 2021 and save the world.
To do so, he must work with his son Hideo from that era and become Kamen Rider Century. Remembering portions of his past, Ryunosuke agrees to do so.
In 2021, the Deadmans have reawakened the demon Diablo alongside his companions, the Crispers, who makes the Deadmans his “kin”. At Happy Spa, after receiving the patronage of Rintaro Shindo, Mei Sudo, Ryo Ogami, and Sora Ogami, whom Ikki met four months prior, Ikki witnesses an argument between Hideo Momose and his son Shinichi. After Hideo drops his work badge, Ikki decides to go to Hideo’s workplace to return it.
The Himiko Crisper’s attack on both Reika and Ryoga Shindai at the Southern Base attracted the attention of George Karizaki, who sends Daiji Igarashi to scout out a location for him to confirm his suspicions. In response, Rintaro is called to the Northern Base by Sophia to return the Kaenken Rekka to Touma Kamiyama.
As Ikki returns Hideo’s badge, Ryunosuke arrives from the future in relief, but is unable to come into physical contact with anything. Diablo arrives and attacks the group, prompting Ikki and his inner demon Vice to transform. Ryunosuke forces Hideo to transform into Kamen Rider Century with him, but they go out of control as Century Break.
After retreating with Century Break, Ikki and Vice receive assistance from Touma and Rintaro in returning the Momose father and son to normal.
Kamen Rider: Beyond Generations