Plot - Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery
Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery is a five-episode “TELASA Original” web series set within the continuity of Kamen Rider Revice. In the special, Ikki, Vice, Hiromi, and George team up with several veteran cast members from Kamen Rider 555, W, Gaim, and Drive to investigate a mysterious connection between the Deadmen and several other Kaijin groups of the Kamen Rider Series while solving a murder case in a lodging house hidden in the woods.
Synopsis Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery
The first spin-off of Kamen Rider Revice, Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery! A combination of Kamen Rider and a detective drama?? Guest starring Rina Aizawa as the main heroine… Ikki and Hiromi in a love triangle!!! What mystery stays hidden within the key visual???
Kamen Rider Revice: The Mystery English sub