Plot - Kamen Rider Specter x Kamen Rider Blades
Kamen Rider Specter × Blades is a TTFC-exclusive crossover special between Kamen Rider Saber and Kamen Rider Ghost. Serving as a sequel to Kamen Rider Saber × Ghost, Rintaro joins forces with both Makoto and Kanon to take down the remnants of Danton’s evil forces.
The special features the debut of Kamen Rider Kanon Specter and the Kanon Specter Eyecon, the Specter Gekikou Senki Wonder Ride Book and Kamen Rider Blades Specter Gekikou Senki.
Picking up straight after the events of Kamen Rider Saber x Ghost, the surviving members of Danton’s followers once again send out Kanon in an attempt to lure Makoto into a trap. However as it turns out this isn’t the Kanon we know, but rather one of four clones remaining from Danton’s previous experiments.
The “real” Kanon also returns to Earth in an attempt to put a stop to the scheme herself.
Once again Desast takes an interest in the wandering Kanon, and the ensuing chaos catches the attention of both Kanon and Rintaro. As Danton’s followers join the fight, can the combined efforts of Kamen Rider Blades, Kamen Rider Specter and a newly transformed Kamen Rider Kanon Specter to save the four captive Kanons?
Kamen Rider Specter × Blades